With my feet firmly on the ground I take flight….
And with my feet firmly on the ground I can fly as high as a bird.
Some will ask….What’s he on about? Others will click immediately and realize I’m on about drones.
They come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes with an equally varied price scale.
I’ve not had this little marvel long, however I’m delighted to say it’s still in one piece and incredibly good fun. When the weather is suitable! So much so my youngest daughter is also flying her own little drone.
Having often been in a position of wondering what something might look like from on high I now have given myself the option to find out, and I might just share an image or two with you here.
I will admit my heart has been in my mouth on the occasional flight, the amount of technology is incredible. Tentatively I am pushing myself on each flight, gaining a little more confidence as I go along. With a little more practice I hope it won’t be too long before I gain the confidence to soar to even great heights and bring you images from my adventures in the air.
For now I’m happy just to get up in the air and experience a birds eye view of the world.