Every time I incorporate this cast iron staircase into a shoot I come away with something different, I suppose some of that can be down to who is on said staircase. On this occasion it is the delightful Stephanie.
This room I think has to be one of my personal favorites in the castle, it’s huge. The cast iron staircase leads you to a mezzanine level containing the master bed.Unfortunately on this recent visit the castle was being made ready for a let and additional beds had been set up in various rooms. This made it impossible for me to show the place off to its full potential.
I have a love hate relationship with colour, today as I churn out this vomit of words I am not in love with it, so this entire set is now in glorious monochrome with a little LR filter just for the sheer hell of it.
I was in a lazy mood on this particular day and there was he-haw pressure on me so I left the lights & the lightboxes in the boot and opted instead for a couple of humble flashguns fired into brollies. This lighting set up could not have been any more simple. Just goes to show that great images can be achieved using minimal kit for maximum affect!
That is all for now 😉
Thanks to model: Stephanie
Models Agency: www.superiormodelmanagement.co.uk