Hook..line and singer Justin Bieber out on Loch Leven for some R&R during his stay at Kinross House.
They say lightning doesn’t strike twice and I would normally agree, but for me it has struck three times, on three consecutive days and I’m not complaining! 😉
I rolled up in Kinross nice and sharp for a third day in a row, it was straight to the local bakers for a coffee….One cannot start the day without a brew!
A quiet word in my ear and it was down onto the shore in search of ‘The Bieber’. Rumor had it he was heading out on a boat. I did not have too long to wait. There he was bobbing along with a member of his security team and a local ghillie driving the boat, not forgetting the little dog that Justin took along for the ride.
The pop superstar made the most of his 90 minutes on the loch with a stop off to visit the island that is home to Kinross Castle. Imagine being imprisoned in this island stronghold.
There was also time for a spot of fishing. Not a bad way to relax before heading to G-town for the second of his three sell-out concerts at the Hydro.
This was not a tale of the one that got away…it was very much a case of Hook..Line and Singer.