The amazing world of ink descended on Edinburgh’s Corn Exchange for the weekend. This I think is my third time covering the Scottish Tattoo Convention and as per usual it did not disappoint.
I can’t complain either, a nice show both in print and online.
The Scottish Tattoo Convention has been running now for 6 years and in that time has grown from strength to strength. It seems to get bigger and better with every passing year. Artists travel from all over the world to this event which is fast becoming one of the top tattoo events around.
Having covered this now three years on the bounce I’ve been fortunate to get to know quite a few of the characters in the ink world and I am quietly looking forward to next years event.
As you enter the venue, the halls are lined with stalls, you can’t help but notice the continual buzz of the ink machines…pumping ink into people’s arms, legs, shoulders, backs and yes in some rather delicate areas too.
While the experience of attending the show might be fun, it’s a serious matter for those doing the inking and indeed for those willing to have a wide and varied array of artwork on their bodies.
In 2011, the city of Edinburgh opened its doors, and its heart, to tattoo enthusiasts from far and wide, and the International Scottish Tattoo Convention was born. Every year since, it has returned bigger and better, attracting World renowned artists, and some of the most exiting names in entertainment. It is now the most anticipated and most talked about Scottish Tattoo event of the year.
It may come as a shock to some of you, but having a tattoo can be quite a costly business. Just ask one of these two young ladies who have spent thousands on their artwork.
The headline in the paper read…..’Tatt’s a fine body of work’ I can’t help but agree…A couple of masterpieces in the shape of Ashleigh and Lusy. I will take this opportunity to thank the girls and of course Jim, Pedro, Daryl and Mark for your help in making my job that little bit easier.
I’m already looking forward to next year’s tattoo convention. Have I decided to have a tattoo done? have myself perforated like a tea bag all in the name of art? I’m thinking about it!
I’ve opted for monochrome again…It just works! #Fuji X-T1