White Rose
White Rose….One attractive model, two very different looks. Here we have an elegant yet slightly demure bridal portrait on one hand and on the other we have what can only be described as a rather theatrical androgynous look.
The bridal look portrays beauty, elegance and innocence set against the dark backdrop, while the opposite could be said for the androgynous styled look. A touch of masculine arrogance contrasting with the white rose and the pink cravat.
This image was shot on a test shoot with the lovely Elaine just before she launched herself into a modelling career.
A bridal boutique in the heart of the Merchant City was the location, the fact they catered for both brides and grooms became my ‘theme challenge’. One model, one bride and one groom. I threw in the masquerade mask to add a little mystique to the androgynous image….and why not!
Often I find people’s ignorance to anything that may be a little bit different quite unfortunate; for them, not me! Photography is an art form and a very broad one at that. Like all art, people have individual tastes that vary almost as wide as the concept of art itself…That’s OK!
Images made by creative people tend to hold more than can be seen in only a few seconds so next time you come across an image you know to have been created and presented to you by a photographer or a creative artist; Stop! Wait a minute, and try to see it for what it really is, study it and appreciate the lighting, the mood, it will have a meaning and in doing so you will begin to understand the value of an image.
As a photographer and a bit of a creative person I fully appreciate the work of other like minded individuals, I regularly enjoy browsing through busy social media feeds and pausing, taking a moment or two to look at and appreciate the images posted. I don’t really care if those images are from iPhone or DSLR either device in the right hands can and have been known to yield strong, powerful and most importantly interesting images.
So, take a closer look at the bigger picture for it is within this, that there is so much more to see….you just have to know where to look. To coin a well-known phrase…Open one’s mind and think outside of the box; from time to time you might just surprise yourself.
Well go on then….give it a go.
Till I churn out another installment.
Thanks to model Elaine Fisher @ Colours Agency (i think) 😉